Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Random Ramblings 2

Morning!  Or Happy Wednesday Lunch Break!  Here's another installment of whatever craziness is on my mind.

1.   I've started ordering Christmas presents as of Last night!  I've been making a list of what to get everyone and what I want everyone to get for me ;) ;) for a while now, but I only actually started buying presents last night.  I had to take advantage of a free shipping deal at Williams Sonoma and that's all I'm gonna say just in case my mother ever reads this blog.  Merry Christmas Mom!  You and Dad have at least one present!
2.  Speaking of Christmas, the other day at the gym I was on the treadmills and there was a big bank of tvs in front of me.  On one tv there was a preview for some Christmas animated movie coming out in November.  On the tv next to it there was footage of people holding signs that said "Virginia Believes!"  My brain jumped to the obvious conclusion:  every tv channel was promoting Christmas already!  One channel had a Christmas movie and the other channel was referencing "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus."!!!  Of course!  This is exactly what these two channels are trying to convey!  I later watched the sign channel and realized the signs were meant for the presidential race, but I still thought the juxtaposition was amusing :)
3.  I used up the second to last bunch of beets (from the CSA) last night and made beet cake.  It was chocolate cake with beets in it.  I'm still trying to figure out how to make beet cake without it tasting like beets . . . it's a tad bit difficult considering the beet flavor is so strong but I'm working on it.  To take everyone's mind off of the beetiness, I made the MOST. DELICIOUS. FROSTING. EVER!!!!  No seriously, it was divine.  Cream cheese, powdered sugar, vanilla, aaaaaand browned butter!  Oh my I"m salivating just thinking about it.  Don't worry, once this cake is gone I"ll whip up another batch for another cake to blog about the frosting.  I must share this luciousness.  And if the fam doesn't want to eat it, I'll just bring it to work and stick it in the kitchen with a sign that reads something like "Wanted to bake, but still want to fit in my jeans.  Enjoy for me!"  Or something.
4.  Woah!  just had a random flashback to high school.  And not the one I graduated from, the one I went to in Colorado before we moved, Pine Creek.  Oh how I loved it there.  The memory was of me waiting for my mom to pick me up after sports (I was a freshman and sophomore and couldn't drive) and I would wait in the library and there was this little magazine reading room that had two overstuffed chairs.  I would curl up in those chairs (doing all sorts of funny contortions)  and the nice librarian would come wake me up right when my mom would get there (which was the same time the library closed subsequently).  Life was simpler back in Colorado.  I miss it a lot.  I've vowed to go back some day.  Hopefully when I'm young enough to still hike and rock climb!
5.  Speaking of Pine Creek, funny story.  It was sophomore year in college and I was chatting with some friends before class started.  A guy next to me, Justin, was talking about how he lived in Colorado Springs.  Here's how our conversation went down:
Me:  Oh you live in C-Springs?  I LOVE it there!
J:  Really?
Me:  Yeah I lived there twice, Air Force family.
J:  Cool, where at?
Me:  Well the second time we were there we lived in Pine Creek, lol and I went to Pine Creek high school.
J:  Wait, I went to Pine Creek high school.
Me:  What was your graduation year?
J:  2006
Me:  Me too  . . .
Me:  So you were a freshman, at Pine Creek, in 2002?!
J:  Yes!
(look at each other and try to remember ever seeing one another at all, ever, both of us not having any glimmer of recognition)
Me:  That is so weird!

Of course we were enthralled by our semi-connection for the rest of the week.  We both had known the same people, both had eaten lunch in the same lunch room (there was only one) I guess that we just both managed to somehow take completely different classes for two whole years.  It just blew my mind that I had NO recollection of him at all.  As an Air Force kid who moved every three years one of my survival skills was to recognize people.  I can't remember names to save my life but I can remember faces.  And Pine Creek wasn't that big.  When I went there it was only recently built and had around 1300 students.  350 some students in one class is not a lot of people to remember considering you've had class and played sports with almost all of them.  It still boggles my mind.  Anyway we were friends in college after that I guess to make up for lost time in high school :)

Ok enough ramblings for now or else I'll never have anything more to say and I'll have to stop blogging which would be sad!

<3 B

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