Monday, May 6, 2013

Leaves and How They Fall

This was the backyard last year in the Fall.  The colors were really pretty but at this point most of the leaves had already fallen.  For some reason the tree closest to the porch didn't get the memo that it was time for the leaves to turn colors . . . I bet he was texting . . .

See?  All the leaves are on the ground.  Mom gets so sad when this happens.  One of her favorite pass times is to sit on the deck and just look at the trees so when the leaves all fall . . . well let's just say if there was a seasonal leaf-fallage disorder my Mom would have it!

Ah the bird feeder.  We have the special weight sensing bird feeders so that no squirrels can eat the bird feed.  Birds are light enough that when they sit on the feeder they can eat, but when the squirrels try to sit on them, they're too heavy and it closes the holes where the bird feed is.

Btw, those birds eat like you wouldn't believe!  Dad will fill it up on Sunday and it will be gone by Tuesday morning.  High maintenance little buggars.

Here's the magnolia out front.  I actually took those photos right before Hurricane Sandy was going to hit because I knew once all the wind and the rain was finished we'd have no more leaves left at all.

Here's a little birdie taking a bath during Sandy.  It was just the cutest thing bouncing around on our front steps!


And this is our backyard in the Winter.

HA!  Just kidding!  This is our backyard in the SPRING!  Yep folks this picture was taken in April.  Go figure.  Since we didn't get any measurable snow during the winter, though, I was ok with getting snow in the spring.

Ahhh back to leaves again.  Once the snow and the cold went away the leaves just popped out.  It's like they were waiting until the cold weather completely left and once they knew it was safe they made up for lost time.  I barely noticed buds before all the leaves were suddenly there.  Now we just have to wait for summer and everything will be covered and shaded by leaves!

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