Thursday, December 13, 2012

Winter Memories

It's the end of the semester for those still in college and it's also December.  With all of the fb posts about graduating and going home for the holidays i was reminiscing about manhattan and thought I'd share one memory that happened more than I wish it had. (my mind wanders randomly at lunch time, can you tell?)
Let me set the scene.  It's December (or January or February).  It's recently snowed so the roads in my apartment complex have been plowed but the roads in the neighborhood between my apartment complex and campus have not been plowed.  Since the neighborhood is between a busy campus and a busy apartment complex, the unplowed snow is pretty packed.  It also hasn't melted because it's still below 30 degrees outside.  Or if it has melted, it has since refrozen and is now ice masquerading as snow.   Fun.
Back to setting the scene.
I've woken up and realized that I'm going to be a wee bit late for class if I don't kick it into high gear.  I've also realized that the class I'm going to be late for is the one taught by a crotchety old grandpa of a teacher who we all adore but who thinks the day starts at 5am and if we're late will ridicule us to no end.  Sooooo I've got to book it.
Getting ready goes something like this:  roll out of bed, throw on yoga pants and a shirt, fly down the stupid steep spiral staircase to the bathroom, brush teeth, brush hair, put hair in pony tail, swipe on foundation blush and mascara, run back up the spiral staircase of death to grab socks, boots and cell phone, run back down stairs, tuck yoga pants into boots, put on fleece jacket, put on winter jacket, put on scarf, put on gloves, try to put on hat but realize you have to take out your pony tail first or it will look weird, take off gloves, take out pony tail, put on hat, throw books into back pack while gloves are off, put gloves back on, grab keys and run out the door. 
And that's not even the fun part.
I never drive to school because it was faster to walk because parking was disgusting, especially in the winter time.  I'd have to park as far away as my apartment so I might as well just save time and walk.
Well on mornings like this I didn't have time to walk.  When I said run out the door I literally meant run.  Run out the door, down the road (less slippery than the sidewalk), cut across the complex by the tower, dodge the mail truck delivering stuff to the office, cross the street into the neighborhood and switch from running to a modified skating/shuffling motion on the ice packed snow that doesn't require picking your feet up.  By the end of the road I'm getting pretty toasty.  Not only do I have a bunch of layers of clothing on, but I'm also running, and carrying a bunch of books and binders.  So off come the hat and gloves.
Cross the street on to campus.  Cut through the tennis courts by my old dorm, cut through the parking lot of my old dorm.  By now I've lost the hat, gloves, scarf, and winter jacket (taking articles of clothes off while running and juggling a backpack on icy sidewalks should be an Olympic sport so I could win and go to Olympic village and make babies with my pick of the hot athletes!  Just kidding.  Kinda).  ANYWAY!  In my now semi-summery clothing choices, breathing hard, I decide not to risk sliding on the tile in the engineering complex and detour around it outside.  Then it's up the stairs, through the door, and into my seat right as the bell rings.  Where I unceremoniously drop all my outerwear on the floor, roll up my sleeves as far as they will go, and fan myself vigorously.  My classmates would give me weird looks because I was sweating and looked like a mess in the middle of the winter. 
Oooooh the memories. 
Happy almost Friday!

<3 B

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