Monday, February 4, 2013

Random Ramblings 4

Adding to my prince charming quest:  Here's another qualification.  He must go to the ballet with me.  Now I don't want him to adore the ballet and aspire to someday be a performer.  I've always wanted to be a ballet dancer (I took one year of lessons when I was six.  I obviously chased that dream didn't I?)  so he couldn't be a ballet dancer because then our dreams would compete and since my dream failed I'd end up resenting him!  Moral of that triade: he can't be a ballet dancer.  But he does have to take me to the ballet.  And I'm using ballet as an example.  How many times have you asked your boyfriend (or heard people ask their boyfriend) if they could go to the ballet one night and all you hear immediately is the boyfriend say "NO, I HATE the ballet.  THe ballet is STUPID.  Who would want to go sit through THAT?!"  Trust me, I know you'd be lying if you said you'd never heard a guy say this.  The thing is, as soon as a guy says this he's essentially telling you that he HATES your choices, and the things you like and enjoy are STUPID.  And it's not like it's not important to you, you wouldn't have asked if it wasn't important.  So I guess what I want from a guy is for him to support me and my interests.  I know that as a girl I might not enjoy going to watch a nascar race (although why I'd date a guy into watching cars drive in a circle is beyond me) or tailgating in sub-zero temperatures, and I probably wouldn't do either of those things on a regular basis, but every once in a while I'd be willing to go just to make them happy and I'd try my hardest to not complain because that would ruin their enjoyment.  I enjoy the ballet because of the graceful dancers in beautiful costumes dancing to gorgeous music.  If a guy can't suck it up and enjoy himself at the ballet for one night out of the whole year, he's not the guy for me!
I hate subway tile.  You know what subway tile reminds me of?  A subway!  A dark, underground, dank space lit by fluorescent lights that reflect off the not-so-white-anymore subway tile and make everything look green.  All these tv shows and pintetst pins "omg subway tile back-splash"  "omg subway tile shower"!  Um NO. 
The bathroom stinks again :(  We had a three day weekend the other week.  Well let me clarify, I didn't but OTHER people did, namely the office across the lobby.  And that day was GLORIOUS!  I could use the bathroom without having to hold my breath or breathe into my sleeve!  Ok, I'm exaggerating a bit but it smells after they use the bathroom.  I understand that there are some times when people need to use the restroom and sometimes it's smelly, but these women must make a conscious decision to be smelly every day if you get what I mean.  They need to stop eating fiber or something.  Essentially they're weird and annoying and it was awesome that they weren't there.  End of story. 

Do you find it as amusing as I do to see old friends from college and have them be all responsible now?!  You'll see them at a reunion party or at a football game at your alma mater and they're all "Hi how are you?!" "How are things going?!" "Meet my girlfriend/fiance/wife."  And all I can do is look at them and smile while secretly remembering some of our shared escapades ;)  We all have memories from college that our present selves would like to conveniently gloss over and will conveniently not mention to significant others in our lives.  Even so, I think those memories create a bond between you and your college friends.  I'll never start a conversation with the new gf/fiance/wife with the subject of "hey so do you wanna know what your boyfriend did one night at that one person's house while it was snowing that included cowboy hats, and a fashion show?!"  (I personally did not witness the fashion show but my friend did lol).  I'll just say "hi, nice to meet you" but when I catch the eye of my old friend we'll both know.  I just find it amusing, but it makes me worry a bit about what my future boyfriends conveniently aren't telling me . . . 

That's it for now!  On to finish watching the latest episode of Elementary!  Dang it I forgot to record the Bachelor!   (I refuse to watch that show but the current one is from my alma mater so I figured I was contractually obligated to watch this season)

1 comment:

  1. If you want a Prince Charming who will go to the ballet with you, find someone who studies Russian stuff. My husband is a professor of Russian history and, having spent so much time in Moscow in the early 1990s, he was able to get tickets to the Bolshoi cheap. When we went to the ballet in spring 2012 at McCain, he was all hoity-toity: "They might SAY they're a Moscow ballet...but they don't even come CLOSE to the Bolshoi!"
