Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Here's the deal.  Apparently there is a storage limit on the pictures you can upload to a blog.  Considering a normal post for me contains about 15 pictures (sometimes up to 40!) this has become an issue and I'm right now forbidden to upload any more pictures unless I 1. buy more storage (ha yeah right) or 2. decrease the size of my photos.  Apparently there is a pixel count that you have to be under to make it "free."  I now just have to figure out that pixel count and only upload pics like that from now on.  You can also upload your pics into google+ and then upload them to your blog since google+ automatically changes the format into the correct number of pixels (shameless push for google+ if you ask me).  One fo the problems is that a lot of the pictures I've uploaded I've since deleted (I mean who needs to save numerous pictures of me adding flour to a mixing bowl!).  So now I'm faced with taking all the photos in all my posts, saving them to my computer, changing the pixel count, and re-uploading them.  In summary, this is going to take some work.  And time.  And PATIENCE.  OMG you have no idea the amount of patience this will take because none of you are working on my computer.  This thing is slooooooooow, like epically slow.  Remember the days of the computer modems that went erww erwww eeeeeerw and took a minute or two to switch to a new internet page?  Well my computer is slower.  Poor thing, it's lasted years and years and has traveled as many miles cross country as I have.  It's suffered being stuffed in suitcases and having tons of student edition software downloaded then deleted on it.  It's gotten me through scholarship letters and typing and formatting my Master's Report.  And it's slowly been showing it's age.  I stopped traveling with it unless absolutely necessary.  I even stopped moving it unless absolutely necessary!  The switch that connects to wireless networks is very temperamental (apparently all VIAOs have this problem according to the tech guys) and will switch on and off if so much as breathe on the thing.  It also takes eons to start up and then decades to open the internet and years to allow you to click on something.  So now it sits on a drawing board on the side table next to the couch and there it stays.  My father has refused to even consider working on it (probably good for his stress level) and I sometimes threaten my sister when she asks for an ipad to do her hw that she is free to use mine!  Her face is priceless.
I fully intended to buy a new computer after graduating and saving up some money but then Windows 8 had to start rearing it's head and all the tech blogs were saying don't buy a new computer, wait till Windows 8 comes out and all the other computers will go on sale.  Buy one then.  Well I waited, and I waited, and my computer was getting slower, and slower.  Finally Windows 8 debuted and I realized that I should have factored in quite a few more months before being able to buy a new computer.  There weren't enough new computers on the market that ran Windows 8 to make the price of the other computers go down.  I'd saved up enough money that I could invest in a computer that ran Windows 8, which I decided I wanted to do anyway (why buy a brand new computer that will be outdated in two years because it doesn't have the correct operating system?!), but Consumer Reports wasn't going to finish testing the new crop of Windows 8 compatible computers and publishing their findings until January and it's becoming very clear that I'm not sure my computer will be functional come January.  So I made a new plan and implemented it over the Thanksgiving break. 
I'd been seeing a lot of lightning deals on Amazon the week of Thanksgiving and decided that I would purchase either a great deal from them or get a computer on sale at Best Buy, keep it for a year or two, then purchase a new Windows 8 computer and sell my year-old computer to my parents (at a discount of course). 
And success!  I found a good deal on Thanksgiving Day (which means I wasn't tempted to shop at all on Black Friday ;) ) and am now anxiously waiting for it to ship!  Until then I will try, try again to upload the pictures for a pumpkin pie post.  Google+ crashed on me last night so maybe it will work today if I stand on my head and hold my breath.  Wish me luck!

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