Thursday, August 30, 2012

Grocery Store Flowers

I love my grocery store!  I can wax poetic about its organic section and its seafood section and its wine store and everything.  It's therapy for me to go and wander its aisles dreaming of new dishes to makes and new ingredients to use.  But I really love their floral section!  This is no ordinary grocery store and this is no ordinary floral section with dead mums that look like they're from 1997.  They make flower arrangements here for people's weddings.  Ok, let me phrase that another way, they make flower arrangements that I'D have at MY wedding. 
So now that I've extolled the virtues of this grocery store, I'll show you what I'm talking about.

Aren't they gorgeous?!

Ooo look at the avocado in background that's trying to steal the spotlight!

Look at how the colors just pop next to each other!

Alright, alright I know they're grocery store flowers, but hey they look pretty awesome to me :)

After the upside down honey container, the olive oil jar, AND the avocados tried to steal the show I had to move my photo shoot to the other counter.  Sheesh, selfish little buggers.

And I give any future boys I date permission to give me grocery store flowers on valentines day if and only if they are from Wegmans!

See, all clear now!
When I took this photo I knew nothing about bokeh, but apparently the camera knew that this shot needed it anyway.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Hi!  Welcome to my wittle bitty blog!

For my first post I wanted to explain the title "Practical Perfection," and how I came up with it.
(In other words I didn't want you to think that I was a stuck up person who thought of herself as perfection personified lol)

The long (and not so epic) tale starts back in . . . starts back in . . . I actually don't remember the year.  Let's think, this summer was 2012, last summer was 2011 (I was working and hadn't been coming back from a trip I don't think.  I think it was summer 2010.  Yep I'm pretty sure.  ANYWAY, back in 2010 I took wittle plane flight to Italy.

I went with these rando people.

Seth on the far left is now married and has twin babies on the way.
Let's just say he was the one Father Keith worried about getting
himself lost/killed/eaten by a bear/fallen in a river/dismembered
the most out of everyone on the trip.
I wish him luck on his impending fatherhood . . . 

And these rando people.

The girl in the white on the left is now engaged to her "Italian Stallion."
Since she's also very religious and respectable, I was very confused what
this nick-name was supposed to mean . . . 
Kristen in the purple in the middle lost her mother and brother in a tornado
a few years ago.
I think Miranda on the far right in the purple is also engaged now.

And them.

Not much to say about this crew.  Oh wait, Katie in the tank top on the right is now engaged.

And them too.

This one makes me sad.  Vicki, holding up the red wine in the middle,
has since left us and gone to heaven.  I will always have my pictures and
memories of her though.

This is my group.  We were the rebels!  (We stayed up and drank bottles of wine every night, after we were at the hotel by 11pm.  Living on the edge I tell yah!)

I dated the guy next to me for a year and a half.
Jacob in the green striped shirt is now engaged, and
Yen and Christopher in the gray and black are now married.

We sang at rando places like this.

Yes this is the chair of St. Peter in St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome.
Pretty cool if I don't say so myself.

Sorry about my walk down memory lane.  Now back to the meaning of my blog's title!  
There is an unassuming stone face in an unassuming little building.  (I'll give you a hint, It was made famous in an Audrey Hepburn movie . . . ).  It is . . . . . . THE MOUTH OF TRUTH!!!!

Now, the story behind the mouth of truth is that you put your hand in the mouth of this statue, then you state something.  Like, "I love such and such" or "the sky is purple" and if you are lying, your hand will be cut off!  Now I know that this is just a rumor or a tall tale, but when you get up there and stick your hand into a hole that you can't see into, you get a little apprehensive!
Now how this relates to my blog:  I marched up when it was my turn and bravely stuck my hand into the mouth (hoping that there were no spiders) and proclaimed the truth that "Beth is practically perfect in every way!"
And I still have both my hands, so I truly am "practically perfect" (I tell my family this all the time btw).  But since, "practically perfect" I think may already be a blog title and it is rather cliche (I mean Julie Andrews said it first for heavens sake and no one can top her) that I decided to call my blog "Practical Perfection."  

So there you have it, my long explanation about the title.  But see, I'm not stuck up!

I also have weird dimples.  It's just how I roll.